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2021-2022 Regional Coach and Wrestler Awards

6A BoysShawnee Mission South High SchoolTyler CordtsGardner Edgerton High School
6A BoysWichita Southeast High SchoolTate LoweDodge City High School
5A BoysBlue Valley Southwest High SchoolCody ParksBlue Valley Southwest High School
5A BoysValley Center High SchoolTommy EdgmonNewton High School
4A BoysAbilene High SchoolDakota HayesScott City High School
4A BoysAndale High SchoolBrandon TerryAugusta High School
4A BoysFrontenac High SchoolAndy AlbrightChanute High School
4A BoysPaola High SchoolBrett DelichTonganoxie High School
3-2-1A BoysDouglass High SchoolDusty RhodesDouglass High School
3-2-1A BoysHillsboro High SchoolCole FredricksonMarysville High School
3-2-1A BoysNorton Community High SchoolLandon KeiswetterSmith Center High School
3-2-1A BoysSilver Lake High SchoolCody KramerAtchison County Community High School
6-5A GirlsSpring Hill High SchoolDoug NewcombOlathe Northwest High School
6-5A GirlsTopeka Seaman High SchoolChad ParksShawnee Heights High School
6-5A GirlsWashburn Rural High SchoolDamon ParkerWashburn Rural High School
6-5A GirlsWichita North High SchoolTate LoweDodge City High School
4-1A GirlsBaldwin High SchoolMike LovvornHolton High School
4-1A GirlsChanute High SchoolMarcus BowmanColumbus High School
4-1A GirlsColby High SchoolDaniel SchmidtHoisington High School
4-1A GirlsRemington High SchoolTate ThompsonPratt High School
6A BoysShawnee Mission South High SchoolBlake JouretOlathe South High School195
6A BoysWichita Southeast High SchoolDamian MendezDodge City High School132
5A BoysBlue Valley Southwest High SchoolDylan ElmoreSt. Thomas Aquinas High School160
5A BoysValley Center High SchoolAyden FloresMaize High School182
4A BoysAbilene High SchoolSam ElliottBuhler High School160
4A BoysAndale High SchoolOwen EckAndale High School138
4A BoysFrontenac High SchoolTy LeedyChanute High School145
4A BoysPaola High SchoolGrayson SonntagTonganoxie High School138
3-2-1A BoysDouglas High SchoolCreyo KoopWest Elk High School145
3-2-1A BoysHillsboro High SchoolTristan RathboneHillsboro High School170
3-2-1A BoysNortoan Community High SchoolCarter UnderhillHill City High School126
3-2-1A BoysSilver Lake High SchoolDagain KrugerSilver Lake High School170
6-5A GirlsSpring Hill High SchoolNicole RedmanOlathe South High School126
6-5A GirlsTopeka Seaman High SchoolMadyson GrayLawrence Free State High School138
6-5A GirlsWashburn Rural High SchoolMadelyn GriffinEmporia High School126
6-5A GirlsWichita North High SchoolBreanna RidgewayGreat Bend High School132
4-1A GirlsBaldwin High SchoolHope BlakeMission Valley High School132
4-1A GirlsChanute High SchoolKailyn YoungerPaola High School126
4-1A GirlsColby High SchoolIsabell OrtizLakin High School115
4-1A GirlsColby High SchoolMarissa PorschHoxie High School138
4-1A GirlsRemington High SchoolAnna CullensWellington High School101